Bioethics and Humanities is pleased to offer a monthly newsletter. Keep up to date with what is happening in the program.
To subscribe or unsubscribe to the Bioethics and Humanities monthly newsletter, please email Laura Shinkunas, MS. Newsletter Editor.
2025 Newsletters
Newsletter Archives
Publication Highlight: We need role fidelity and integrity to avoid moral compartmentalization, not sphere or role moralities
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Shared Decision Making for ECMO Discontinuation
Publication Highlight: Epidemics and the Healthcare Professional's Duty to Care
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Narrative Ethics
Ethics in Healthcare Conference, May 30, 2025
Publication Highlight: Ethical and professional issues encountered by fourth-year medical students during a critical care clerkship before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Miracle language in the clinical setting
Publication Highlight: The aging surgeon: Planning for retirement across all stages of one's surgical career
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Voluntary stopping eating and drinking
- Publication Highlight: Persuasion in healthcare needs virtue, narrative and relational concept of autonomy
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Access to palliative care and ethno-cultural diversity
- Publication Highlight: To procure organs for transplantation, normothermic regional perfusion and brain death dislocate circulation and brain from an integrated concept of embodied persons
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Approaching behavioral disorders from a social determinants lens
- Publication Highlight: "I didn't know what I didn't know." Assessment of adolescent oncology patient engagement in decision-making
- Webinar Highlight: AI's Impact on Healthcare
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Shared Decision Making and the Ethics of Persuasion
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Unique Challenges at the End of Life for Interactive Pediatric Patients
- Ethics in Healthcare Conference, May 19, 2023
- Publication Highlight: Religious character of secular arguments supporting euthanasia and what it implies for conscientious practice in medicine
- Ethics in Healthcare Conference, May 19, 2023
- Publication Highlight: ‘A valued voice’: A qualitative analysis of parental decision-making preferences in emergent paediatric surgery
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Ethical Challenges with ECPR
- Humanities Corner: poem by Samantha Parks, M4
- Ethics in Healthcare Conference, May 19, 2023
- Publication Highlight: “Reading the room:” A qualitative analysis of pediatric surgeons’ approach to clinical counseling
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Challenging Patient-Provider Relationships
- Humanities Corner: Reflection by Faizan Khawaja, M4
- Ethics in Healthcare Conference, May 19, 2023
- Publication Highlight: Listening Lessons by Brittany Bettendorf, MD, MFA
- Humanities Corner: Drawing and Reflection by Nicole Hehr, M3
- Ethics in Healthcare Conference, May 19, 2023
- Humanities Corner: Poem by Mariam Mansour, M4
- 2023 Ethics in Healthcare Conference
- Publication Highlight: Practical Wisdom in Medicine
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Physician-Assisted Suicide
- Humanities Corner: Essay by John Nelson, M3
- Publication Highlight: Gaudeamus Igitur at 40—A Tribute and Assessment
- Humanities Corner: Essay by Melissa Sheber, M3
- Bioethics Educational Opportunities at CCOM
- Humanities Corner: Haiku and Reflection by Benjamin Linden, M4
- Publication Highlight: Evaluation of a novel question prompt list in pediatric surgical oncology
- Humanities Corner: Haiku and Reflection by Jacqueline Smart, M4
- Literary Highlight from CCOM Faculty Member: Gold and Iron
- Humanities Corner: Written Reflection by Jessie Chu, M4
- Publication Highlight: Moral distress, conscientious practice, and the endurance of ethics in health care through times of crisis and calm
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: How do we show compassion?
- Humanities Corner: Creative Work by Jacob Schroeder, M4
- Publication Highlight: Practical wisdom in medicine through the eyes of medical students and physicians
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Assessing and supporting surrogate decision makers
- Humanities Corner: Illustration and reflection by Anna Clemens, M4
- Publication Highlight: Medical Education and the Ethics of Self-Care
- Topic of the Month: Ethics in Intensive Care
- Program Highlight: Physician influence in shared decision making podcast
- Publication Highlight: A careful balance of the benefits and burdens of pediatric ECMO
- Topic of the Month: Goals of care communication
- Topic of the Month: Ethics in Decision Making for Peri-Viable Delivery
- Program Highlight: Should we practice what we preach: Medical school and the ethics of self-care
- Publication Highlight: To inform, recommend, and sometimes persuade: The ethics of physician influence in shared decision making
- Topic of the Month: The ethics of alleviating suffering while avoiding harm with opioid use at the end of life
- Publication Highlight: Attending to the Existential Experience in Oncology
- Topic of the Month: Professional Boundaries in Healthcare
- Humanities Corner (New): watercolor by Sarah Stueve, M4
- Program Highlight: Ethics Summer Research Fellowship for CCOM Medical Students
- Publication Highlight: "Reading the room": A qualitative analysis of pediatric surgeons' approach to clinical counseling
- Topic of the Month: Calibrating our Responses to Medical Futility
- Humanities Corner: Haiku by Samantha Metzger, M4
- Ethics in Healthcare Conference, May 19, 2023
- Topic of the Month: "Potentially Nonbeneficial" CPR
- Humanities Corner: poem by CCOM medical student (anonymous)
- Ethics in Healthcare Conference, May 19, 2023
- Topic of the Month: Decision-Making in Pediatric Patients
- Humanities Corner: painting and written reflection by Erin Sullivan, M4
- Publication Highlight: Communication About Medical Errors
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Ethical Issues Surrounding Autonomy - Limiting Diagnoses such as Anorexia Nervosa
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Trisomy 18
- Publication Highlight: Discrepancies in Decision Making Preferences Between Patients and Surgeons in Pediatric Surgery
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Moral Community
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: The Partial Code
- Bioethics Resource of the Month: Case Studies and Educational Resources
- Literary Highlight from a CCOM Faculty Member: The Great Dimming of 2020
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Goals of Care Discussions
- Publication Highlight: Why Truthfulness is the First of the Virtues
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: The Unrepresented Patient
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Brain Death
- Bioethics Resource of the Month: The Hastings Center Bioethics Timeline
- Bioethics Educational Opportunities at CCOM
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: Goals of Care Discussions
- Publication Highlight: A Brief Video Intervention to Improve Medical Students' Attitudes Toward Prisoners
- Bioethics Educational Topic of the Month: To Allow Not To Be?
- Publication Highlight: Becoming a Role Model
- Bioethics Educational Topic of the Month: Palliative Sedation in End of Life Care
- Publication Highlight: Clarifying Core Content of Goals of Care Discussions
- Bioethics Educational Topic of the Month: Social Media and the Patient-Provider Relationship
- Bioethics Resource: COVID-19 Ethics Resources
- Publication Highlight: Practicing the Ethics We Teach in International Medical Education
- Ethics Resource: COVID-19 Ethics Resources
- Bioethics Educational Opportunities at CCOM
- Publication Highlight: Shared Decision Making in Surgery: A Scoping Review of Patient and Surgeon Preferences
- Bioethics Educational Topic of the Month: Recognizing and Responding to Existential Distress/Suffering in the Clinical Setting
- Bioethics Educational Topic of the Month: Understanding the Role of Chronic Stress in People of Color and Need for Justice in Research
- Bioethics Topic of the Month: The Ethics of Caregivers - Controlled Analgesia at the End-of-Life
- Publication Highlight: In Support of Goals-of-Care Discussions in Shared Decision Making - An Extended Response to the Rejoinders
- Publication Highlight: Reconceptualizing Harms and Benefits in the Genomic Age
- Bioethics Resource: International Compilation of Human Research Standards
- Publication Highlight: Prospect Theory Concepts Applied to family Members of Nursing Home Residents with Cancer: A Good Ending is a Gain
- Publication Highlight: Navigating the Choppy Waters Between Public Safety and Humane Care of the Prisoner-Patient: The Role of the Ethics Consultant
- In Memoriam: Richard M. Caplan, MD. July 16, 1929 - August 20, 2019
- Publication Highlight: Wisdom in Medical Decision Making
- Publication Highlight: Ethical Issues Encountered During the Medical Student Surgical Clerkship
- Bioethics Resource: Physician Aid in Dying - What It Is and What Isn't
- Publication Highlight: Attitudes About Sickness Presenteeism in Medical Training: Is There a Hidden Curriculum?
- Bioethics Educational Topic of the Month: Evaluation of a Surrogate Decision-Maker - What if the Surrogate Does not Seem to Represent the Patient's Previously Expressed Wishes?